The Village of Franklin held its regular board meeting on December 9, 2024, at the Village Hall office (141 Water Street) at 7:00PM. Present: Mayor VanDeusen, Trustee Wilson, Trustee Martin, Clerk/Treasurer Niebanck, Deputy Clerk Martin, Superintendent Kingsbury and guests recorded on the sign-in register. The meeting was streamed and recorded on the video platform Zoom.
Minutes: Minutes of the November 2024 board meeting: Wilson moved, and Martin seconded approval of the November 2024 board meeting minutes. So passed.
Treasurer’s Report
Date: November 30, 2024
General Fund | $205,626.81 |
– Reserve/Maint Equip (Checking) | $1,366.42 |
– Sidewalks (Checking) | $15,610.47 |
– Trees (Checking) | $2,452.62 |
Water Fund | $52,811.24 |
Water Project | $6.96 |
Trust & Agency | $222.85 |
Grant Fund | $59.34 |
Recreation Commission | $39,776.24 |
Wilson moved and Martin seconded approval of Treasurer’s Report of November 30, 2024. So passed.
Correspondence/Clerk’s Report: 1) NYSEG re: reading meter at water tank. 2) Letter to NYSLA created on Village letterhead. 3) OSC re: Local Government Efficiency grants. 4) Dept. of Public Service re: energy affordability programs. 5) NYCOM re: 2025 legislative priorities. 6) NYCOM re: Winter Legislative Meeting.
Superintendent’s Report: 1) shut water off at Franklin Stage Co. 2) We need No Parking signs for end of Water Street. 3) Will call Steven’s Excavating.
Dog Warden’s Report: Went to NYS Dog Control Officer convention last month; Agriculture and Markets Law information was shared; he can only take calls for dogs (no other animals); if he picks up sick or injured dog, it must go to the vet and Village would pay the bill if no one claims ownership of the dog; unlicensed dogs – owner would be issued a ticket; cannot break dog out of hot car, but he can call EMS; he can photograph and document abuse/neglect and submit to the police; laws are changing for shelters (more regulations); cannot do any trapping of dogs; YTD: he had 22 calls; 6 dogs to shelter, one court appearance and one dog bite incident.
Old Business
Main Street Crosswalk: will look over process with Superintendent in January.
Tabled Items: Short Term Rental Law; Water meter grant with larger project.
Water Street Regrading: Planned for the spring.
Policies and Emergency Action Plan: Workplace Violence Prevention Policy: draft copy distributed; reporting procedures were edited (report goes to Mayor/Attorney); union items can be deleted. Clerk will edit WVP and Cybersecurity Policy and send to attorney/board. Mayor and Jason met with Fire Department Chief for Emergency Action Plan; came up with good solutions for public safety.
Restore NY Grant: application deadline is soon; Lindsay has information she needs; it’s in the works.
New Business
March Election: Nominating petitions can start to be signed on 12/31; need 12 signatures; one person has picked up a petition.
Mayors’ Coalition: 2nd Wednesday of the month in Delhi; discussed sales tax sharing; stuck in finance committee; proposing 12% sales tax going to municipalities; Village of Franklin could pass a resolution to support sales tax sharing (next meeting).
NYCOM Resolution: Wilson moved and Martin seconded passing a resolution to approve NYCOM to lobby for continued and increased state aid for municipalities. So passed.
Citizen’s Comments: base of crosswalk sign at Institute Street is sticking up and should be replaced or removed – Superintendent will remove it. There used to be a traffic light at the end of Institute Street – it would be good to have a light there for the school and fire department; we would have to contact DOT; Mayor will contact DOT.
Around Town: December 14 Holiday in Franklin.
Approval of Bills: Wilson moved, and Martin seconded approval to pay bills. So passed.
128-24 | NYSEG | A1620.4 | $26.48 | A2778 |
129-24 | NYSEG | A1620.4 | $95.15 | A2779 |
130-24 | NYSEG | A7110.4 | $43.21 | A2780 |
131-24 | Trust & Agency | A9089.8 | $156.00 | A2781 |
132-24 | NYSEG | FX8320.4 | $1,512.23 | FX1839 |
133-24 | Frontier | FX8320.4 | $9.50 | FX1840 |
134-24 | Trust & Agency | FX9030.8 | $7.08 | FX1841 |
135-24 | Trust & Agency | A9030.8 | $509.77 | A2782 |
136-24 | Capital One | FX8330.4 | $52.00 | |
Capital One | A1325.4 | $15.99 | ||
Capital One | A1620.4 | $18.35 | ||
137-24 | Delhi Telephone Company | A1620.4 | $79.36 | |
138-24 | Tractor Supply | A1620.4 | $57.47 | |
139-24 | Boulder Oil | A1620.4 | $224.38 | |
140-24 | Delaware Cty Dept of Fiscal Affairs | A1910.4 | $2,405.59 | |
141-24 | Mirabito Energy Products | A5142.4 | $88.09 | |
142-24 | NYSEG | A5182.4 | $318.90 | |
143-24 | NY Rural Water Assoc, Inc | FX8310.4 | $266.00 | |
144-24 | Koester | FX8320.4 | $3,492.00 | |
145-24 | Ti Sales | FX8340.2 | $391.90 | |
146-24 | Gibson Hill Services, Inc | A1410.4 | $315.20 | |
147-24 | Selective Insurance | A1910.4 | $7,965.73 | |
148-24 | Amrex Chemical | FX8330.4 | $607.50 | |
TOTAL | $18,657.88 | |||
PAID PRIOR TO MEETING | $2,359.42 | |||
Total | $16,298.46 |
Recreation Commission
39-24 | NYSEG | J7345.4 | $24.35 | J2018 |
40-24 | Frontier | J7545.4 | $76.56 | J2019 |
41-24 | One Group | J1910.4 | $650.00 | |
42-24 | Selective Insurance | J1910.4 | $4,289.24 |
Mayor VanDeusen adjourned the meeting at 8:11PM
Respectfully submitted,
Paula Niebanck