Minutes – December 9, 2024

Village of Franklin NY minutes of the December 9, 2024 regular board meeting.

The Village of Franklin held its regular board meeting on December 9, 2024, at the Village Hall office (141 Water Street) at 7:00PM. Present: Mayor VanDeusen, Trustee Wilson, Trustee Martin, Clerk/Treasurer Niebanck, Deputy Clerk Martin, Superintendent Kingsbury and guests recorded on the sign-in register. The meeting was streamed and recorded on the video platform Zoom.

Minutes: Minutes of the November 2024 board meeting: Wilson moved, and Martin seconded approval of the November 2024 board meeting minutes. So passed.

Treasurer’s Report

Date: November 30, 2024

General Fund$205,626.81
– Reserve/Maint Equip (Checking)$1,366.42
– Sidewalks (Checking)$15,610.47
– Trees (Checking)$2,452.62
Water Fund$52,811.24
Water Project$6.96
Trust & Agency$222.85
Grant Fund$59.34
Recreation Commission$39,776.24

Wilson moved and Martin seconded approval of Treasurer’s Report of November 30, 2024. So passed.

Correspondence/Clerk’s Report: 1) NYSEG re: reading meter at water tank. 2) Letter to NYSLA created on Village letterhead. 3) OSC re: Local Government Efficiency grants. 4) Dept. of Public Service re: energy affordability programs. 5) NYCOM re: 2025 legislative priorities. 6) NYCOM re: Winter Legislative Meeting.

Superintendent’s Report: 1) shut water off at Franklin Stage Co. 2) We need No Parking signs for end of Water Street. 3) Will call Steven’s Excavating.

Dog Warden’s Report: Went to NYS Dog Control Officer convention last month; Agriculture and Markets Law information was shared; he can only take calls for dogs (no other animals); if he picks up sick or injured dog, it must go to the vet and Village would pay the bill if no one claims ownership of the dog; unlicensed dogs – owner would be issued a ticket; cannot break dog out of hot car, but he can call EMS; he can photograph and document abuse/neglect and submit to the police; laws are changing for shelters (more regulations); cannot do any trapping of dogs; YTD: he had 22 calls; 6 dogs to shelter, one court appearance and one dog bite incident.

Old Business

Main Street Crosswalk: will look over process with Superintendent in January.

Tabled Items: Short Term Rental Law; Water meter grant with larger project.

Water Street Regrading: Planned for the spring.

Policies and Emergency Action Plan: Workplace Violence Prevention Policy: draft copy distributed; reporting procedures were edited (report goes to Mayor/Attorney); union items can be deleted. Clerk will edit WVP and Cybersecurity Policy and send to attorney/board. Mayor and Jason met with Fire Department Chief for Emergency Action Plan; came up with good solutions for public safety.

Restore NY Grant: application deadline is soon; Lindsay has information she needs; it’s in the works.

New Business

March Election: Nominating petitions can start to be signed on 12/31; need 12 signatures; one person has picked up a petition.

Mayors’ Coalition: 2nd Wednesday of the month in Delhi; discussed sales tax sharing; stuck in finance committee; proposing 12% sales tax going to municipalities; Village of Franklin could pass a resolution to support sales tax sharing (next meeting).

NYCOM Resolution: Wilson moved and Martin seconded passing a resolution to approve NYCOM to lobby for continued and increased state aid for municipalities. So passed.

Citizen’s Comments: base of crosswalk sign at Institute Street is sticking up and should be replaced or removed – Superintendent will remove it. There used to be a traffic light at the end of Institute Street – it would be good to have a light there for the school and fire department; we would have to contact DOT; Mayor will contact DOT.

Around Town: December 14 Holiday in Franklin.

Approval of Bills: Wilson moved, and Martin seconded approval to pay bills. So passed.


128-24NYSEGA1620.4$26.48 A2778
129-24NYSEGA1620.4$95.15 A2779
130-24NYSEGA7110.4$43.21 A2780
131-24Trust & AgencyA9089.8$156.00 A2781
132-24NYSEGFX8320.4$1,512.23 FX1839
133-24FrontierFX8320.4$9.50 FX1840
134-24Trust & AgencyFX9030.8$7.08 FX1841
135-24Trust & AgencyA9030.8$509.77 A2782
136-24Capital OneFX8330.4$52.00
Capital OneA1325.4$15.99
Capital OneA1620.4$18.35
137-24Delhi Telephone CompanyA1620.4$79.36
138-24Tractor SupplyA1620.4$57.47
139-24Boulder OilA1620.4$224.38
140-24Delaware Cty Dept of Fiscal AffairsA1910.4$2,405.59
141-24Mirabito Energy ProductsA5142.4$88.09
143-24NY Rural Water Assoc, IncFX8310.4$266.00
145-24Ti SalesFX8340.2$391.90
146-24Gibson Hill Services, IncA1410.4$315.20
147-24Selective InsuranceA1910.4$7,965.73
148-24Amrex Chemical FX8330.4$607.50

Recreation Commission

39-24NYSEGJ7345.4$24.35 J2018
40-24FrontierJ7545.4$76.56 J2019
41-24One GroupJ1910.4$650.00
42-24Selective InsuranceJ1910.4$4,289.24

Mayor VanDeusen adjourned the meeting at 8:11PM

Respectfully submitted,
Paula Niebanck