Minutes – August 12, 2024

Village of Franklin NY minutes of the August 12, 2024 regular board meeting.

The Village of Franklin held its regular board meeting on August 12, 2024, at the Village Hall office (141 Water Street) at 7:00PM. Present: Mayor VanDeusen, Trustee Wilson, Clerk/Treasurer Niebanck, Superintendent Kingsbury and guests recorded on the sign-in register. The meeting was streamed and recorded on the video platform Zoom. Trustee Martin and Deputy Clerk Martin attended via Zoom.

Minutes: Minutes of the July 2024 board meeting: Wilson moved and Martin seconded approval of the July 2024 board meeting minutes. So passed.

Treasurer’s Report

Date: July 31, 2024

General Fund$224,478.09
– Reserve/Maint Equip (Checking)$1,344.21
– Sidewalks (Checking)$20,718.33
– Trees (Checking)$2,412.77
Water Fund$34,334.88
Water Project$6.96
Water Tower Grant$0.00
Trust & Agency$0.00
Grant Fund$59.34
Recreation Commission$55,133.42

Budget transfer in GF: $398.94 from 1620.4 to 1620.2. Wilson moved and Martin seconded budget transfer. So passed. Wilson moved and Martin seconded approval of Treasurer’s Report of July 31, 2024. So passed.

Correspondence/Clerk’s Report: 1) Sent shrub trimming notices to 2 property owners. 2) Notified property owner of tenant’s death. 3) Emailed and mailed letter from Mayor to Town Board and Northstar Farm re: water tank. 4) Talked with Steve Lawton re: new laptop. 5) Eric M. from Del. Engineering called re: outstanding Tweedie invoice. They are working with Mark Blauer and OCR to figure it out. 6) NYSEG re: shut off at 478 Main. 7) DOT re: Statewide Transportation Master Plan. 8) DOT re: CHIPS funds. 9) DPS re: climate change vulnerability study. 10) Clerk will type up letter of thanks to Jeff McCormack for fountain at park. 11) Minimum bid for old truck = $10,000.

Superintendent’s Report: 1) Signs for crosswalks are in; need someone to paint crosswalk; Mayor will look into getting forms. 2) Lead service line inventory is done; Matt Curry will let him know how to submit. 3) Move No Parking sign back 20’ on Center St. at Water. 4) Old valves that are decommissioned have been painted and locked up. 5) Lines in pump house taken care of. 6) Blacktop in front of church on Center will take place end of month. 7) Power is out at pole barn; Taggart Electric will look at it. 8) Street sweeping will take place on 19th; will need some weed wacking done on Main St. 9) need street closure signs put up on Old Franklin Day. 10) Sidewalk in front of old Methodist parsonage is in need of repair. 11) Shoulder at Otego and Center mowing can be weed wacked. 12) End of Water Street has been filled twice with gravel; Mayor will contact Delaware Engineering to propose a plan to fix. 13) Need survey for pin at water tank and will contact Oneonta Fence. 14) Sidewalks will be done after Old Franklin Day; mid- September. 15) Life Science labs is closed; we had to switch to Adirondack Environmental.

Delaware County Dept. of Public Health: Sarah Anderson with Del. County Public Health oversees lead prevention program; gave handout showing what causes lead exposure. Franklin had 10 cases of elevated lead; children are reached out to by the program; they set up in-home inspections to locate risks.

Old Business

Bible Church Paving: taking place at the end of the month; Aug. 19.

Crosswalks: Main Street crosswalk needs permit.

Water Meters: will need to combine with Water Main and Well Repair projects.

Restore NY Grant: no update; disqualified last round and will reapply in the fall.

Sales Tax Sharing: County meeting is on August 14; Mayors Coalition will present to the county.

Sewer Project: Mayor spoke with representatives; they encourage applying for grants/funds.

Village Dump: Need to add trail camera; one that can link to cell with monthly subscription plan. Wilson moved and Martin seconded purchasing 3 trail cameras for Village dump and swimming pool. So moved. They cost about $200/each and $10/month subscription; need lockbox too.

Northstar Farm/Water Tank: DOH recommendations for security; the DOH needs to specify that the security measures are due to camp ground; Mayor wants to get pricing for new fencing, sliding gate, guard rails, signage; DOH recommendations will be revised; Mayor will contact attorney to send letter.

Mowing/Shoveling Ordinance and Short Term Rental Law: tabled until future meetings.

New Business

Pro Housing Certification: Resolution – ‘Pro Housing Communities Pledge’ read aloud to board members. Wilson moved and Martin seconded adopting Pro Housing resolution (see below). So moved.

Old Franklin Day: 9am to 3pm; Franklin Stage Co. performance starts afterward. 4pm FCS all class reunion.

Citizens’ Comments: Resident started Franklin/Treadwell community meetings once a month at the library; gathering ideas about how to make it a better community – free tutoring service, free CPR/AED training, exploring free recycled medical equipment, educate community about NY Health Act, sharing garden produce at Farmer’s Market (donations go to Food Pantry). Need more advertising and new ideas; will work with Connie on a possible table for OFD.

Approval of Bills: Wilson moved and Martin seconded approval to pay bills. So passed.


37-24Trust & AgencyA9089.8$156.00 A2609
38-24Trust & AgencyA9030.8$569.31 A2610
39-24Trust & AgencyA9050.8$182.93 A2615
40-24NYSEGA7110.4$29.09 A2629
41-24NYSEGA1620.4$94.42 A2630
42-24NYSEGA1620.4$24.32 A2631
43-24Trust & AgencyA9089.8$156.00 A2632
44-24Trust & AgencyA9030.8$467.67 A2633
45-24Trust & AgencyFX9030.8$0.72 FX1811
46-24Trust & AgencyFX9050.8$57.88 FX1812
47-24FrontierFX8320.4$9.50 FX1817
48-24NYSEGFX8320.4$28.10 FX1818
49-24Trust & AgencyFX9030.8$20.56 FX1819
50-24Stephen P. LawtonA1325.4$399.50
51-24Delaware County Real Property Tax Dept.A1362.4$242.81
52-24Delhi Telephone Co.A1620.4$79.22
53-24Capital OneA5110.2$1,193.05
54-24White's Farm SupplyA5110.4$123.81
55-24Mirabito Energy ProductsA5110.4$139.85
56-24Chemung SupplyA5112.2$731.40
58-24Waste Recovery EnterprisesA8160.4$12.32
59-24Waste Recovery EnterprisesA8160.4$12.32
60-24Life Science LabsFX8330.4$54.00
61-24USA BlueBookFX8330.4$72.42
62-24Capital OneFX8340.2$24.98
63-24Amrex Chemical Co.FX8330.4$597.25
64-24Capital OneFX8330.4$97.00

Recreation Commission

18-24Joanna BanksJ7145.2$344.14 1946
19-24NYSEGJ7345.4$24.63 1961
20-24FrontierJ7545.4$98.76 1962
21-24Trust & AgencyJ9030.8$581.49 1963
22-24Kennedy Plumbing, Heating, Cooling LLCJ7145.2$267.58
23-24Kennedy Plumbing, Heating, Cooling LLCJ7145.2$1,250.00
24-24Ryan VanDeusenJ7145.4$62.57
25-24Amrex Chemical Co.J7145.4$2,669.00
26-24Kendall BeadleJ7345.4$51.72

Mayor VanDeusen adjourned the meeting at 8:49PM

Respectfully submitted,
Paula Niebanck


____________________________ moved and _______________________ seconded that

WHEREAS, the Village of Franklin (hereinafter “local government”) believes that the lack of housing for New York residents of all ages and income levels negatively impacts the future of New York State’s economic growth and community well-being;

WHEREAS, the housing crisis has negative effects at regional and local levels, we believe that every community must do their part to contribute to housing growth and benefit from the positive impacts a healthy housing market brings to communities;

WHEREAS, we believe that supporting housing production of all kinds in our community will bring multiple benefits, including increasing housing access and choices for current and future residents, providing integrated accessible housing options that meet the needs of people with sensory and mobility disabilities, bringing economic opportunities and vitality to our communities, and allowing workers at all levels to improve their quality of life through living closer to their employment opportunities;

WHEREAS, we believe that evidence showing that infill development that reduces sprawl and supports walkable communities has significant environmental and public health benefits; and

WHEREAS, we believe that affirmatively furthering fair housing and reducing segregation is not only required by law, but is essential for keeping our community strong and vibrant;

NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED that the Village of Franklin, in order to take positive steps to alleviate the housing crisis, adopts the Pro- Housing Communities pledge, which will have us endeavor to take the following important steps:

  1. Streamlining permitting for multifamily housing, affordable housing, accessible housing, accessory dwelling units, and supportive housing.
  2. Adopting policies that affirmatively further fair housing.
  3. Incorporating regional housing needs into planning decisions.
  4. Increasing development capacity for residential uses.
  5. Enacting policies that encourage a broad range of housing development,
    including multifamily housing, affordable housing, accessible housing, accessory dwelling units, and supportive housing.