Budget Workshop – April 15, 2024

Minutes of the Budget Workshop on April 15, 2024.

A Budget Workshop meeting of the Village of Franklin was held April 15, 2024, at 6:00PM at Village Hall, 141 Water Street, and on the videoconferencing platform Zoom. Present: Mayor Johanna VanDeusen, Trustee Wilson, Trustee Martin, Clerk/Treasurer Niebanck, Deputy Clerk Martin, and Superintendent Kingsbury. Town Representative, Heather Ross, was present for the Recreation Commission budget.

Recreation Commission

  • Total budgeted expenses/revenue for this fund proposed to be $56,700.00
  • Includes purchase of sand filter globes for pool.

Water Project

  • Payment set by EFC (schedule of payments for 30 year loan) = $5,325.00
  • Budgeted expense/revenue for this fund will be $5,325.00. Transfer will be made from Water Fund checking account

Water Fund

  • Total budgeted expense/revenue for this fund proposed to be $94,705.69.
  • Transfer in from General Fund of $2,000.
  • • Transfer to a Reserve Account for the new water tank of $1,500.
  • Fund balance to be used $0.

General Fund

  • Total Budgeted expense/revenue for this fund proposed to be $153,227.69.
  • Transfer to Water Fund of $2,000.
  • Transfer to Reserve/Maintenance Equipment of $15,000.00 (for a new skid steer).
  • $9,500 will be transferred from Sidewalk fund.
  • • New truck has been purchased, so will put old truck out for bid.
  • Fund balance to be used $4,462.27.

6:46PM Martin moved and Wilson seconded going into Executive Session. So passed.
7:02PM Wilson moved and Martin seconded coming out of Executive Session. So passed.

Salary increases for Superintendent and Clerk/Treasurer are proposed to be 3%. Mayor increase to $2,700/year; Trustees increase to $2000/year (each). Dog Control Officer $1050/year and Code Officer $2200/year; Crossing Guards to $15.45/hour; Deputy Clerk and Laborer to $18.54/hour.

Proposed tax levy: Assessment = $20,892,411.00 and rate/thousand 0.482% = $100,701.42. This is a decrease of -0.134% or -$134.58.

Mayor VanDeusen adjourned the meeting at 8:30PM

Respectfully submitted,
Paula Niebanck