Minutes – April 8, 2024

Village of Franklin NY minutes of the April 8, 2024 regular board meeting.

The Village of Franklin held its regular board meeting on April 8, 2024, at the Village Hall office (141 Water Street) at 7:03PM. Present: Mayor Tom Briggs, Mayor Elect/Trustee VanDeusen, Trustee Wilson, Trustee Elect Martin, Clerk/Treasurer Niebanck, Deputy Clerk Martin, Superintendent Kingsbury and guests recorded on the sign-in register. The meeting was streamed and recorded on the video platform Zoom.

Oath of Office and Recognition:   Johanna VanDeusen sworn in as Mayor, two years. Constance Martin sworn in as Trustee, two years. John Wilson emcee – thanked former Mayor Briggs for his service.

Regular Meeting caled to order 7:09PM:   
Annual Appointments made by Mayor VanDeusen: Deputy Mayor: John Wilson; Clerk/Treasurer: Paula Niebanck; Deputy Clerk: James Martin; Public Works and Water Superintendent: Jason Kingsbury; School Crossing Guards: Gary Schiffner and Georgetta Skovsende; Newspaper: Walton Reporter; Depository: Wayne Bank; Attorney: David Merzig of Kehoe & Merzig; Recreation Commission Representative: John Wilson; Building Code and Health Officer: Dale Downin; Registrar: Town of Franklin; Historian: Franklin Railroad and Community Museum; Dog Control Officer: Mark Bennett (shared service with Town of Franklin); Board Meetings: 2nd Monday of every month; Special Meetings: TBD

Minutes: Minutes of the March 2024 board meeting, special meeting and Recreation Commission meeting: Wilson moved and Martin seconded approval of the March 2024 minutes. So passed.

Treasurer’s Report

Date: March 31, 2024

General Fund$203,220.37
– Reserve/Maint Equip (Checking)$85,965.25
– Sidewalks (Checking)$20,354.34
– Trees (Checking)$2,370.38
Water Fund$31,824.84
Water Project$6.96
Water Tower Grant$72.01
Trust & Agency$410.25
Grant Fund$1,859.34
ARPA Funds (remaining)$0.00
Recreation Commission$56,610.94

Budget transfers in GF: $10.21 to 1450.4 from 1420.4; in WF: $134.56 to 8320.2 from 8310.2. Wilson moved and Martin seconded budget transfers. So passed. Wilson moved and Martin seconded approval of Treasurer’s Report of March 31, 2024. So passed.

Citizens’ Comments: the cake is good.

Animal Control: nothing to report.

Correspondence/Clerk’s Report: 1) one application received for RC Leader. 2) Quote from RJV Carpentry for bathroom: $2512.46. 3) OSC re: Fiscal Stress score – no designation. 4) NYCOM re: State Budget Update. 5) DTC re: rate increase. 6) Dept. of Public Service re: Broadband Connectivity Act. 7) HCR re: CDBG Program Income Certification (Tom will sign).

Superintendent’s Report: 1) Called DOT about trees on Main Street two times; no call back yet. 2) Need to find more paving companies to get bids from. 3) Got quotes for street sweeping; $75 per hour and $75 fee, per sweep; will schedule first one. 4) Meeting with EJ Prescott on April 19 re: water meters to get options; there may be a grant available. 5) Installed new meter at 65 Main.

Old Business

Downstairs Bathroom: Quote received from RJV Carpentry; Wilson moved Martin seconded hiring RJV Carpentry to refurbish Village Hall bathroom, using grant money and general fund monies. So passed. Work can commence in two weeks.

Restore NY Grant: no update; Mayor will meet with Glenn Nealis and O’Connor Foundation.

Red Truck auction: Clerk will put request for bids in Walton Reporter; Superintendent will provide specs.

Dump – use of wood chipper: couldn’t create mulch out of big logs; not really feasible.

Street crack filling: price for machine will be included in budget planning.

Bible Church sidewalk: need to get more quotes from paving companies; Mayor will ask around.

Budget Workshop: scheduled for April 15 at 6:00PM; will include Recreation Commission budget planning.

Memorial Day Planning: meeting on April 18 at Legion at 6:00PM; Village Board can ride in truck.

New Business

Water Rate increase: Proposed increase in water billing – Wilson moved and Martin seconded increasing water rates to $7/1000 gal. and $50 availability fee starting June quarter. So passed.

NYCOM Conference: Martin moved and Wilson seconded a budget transfer of $1400 to Mayor Expense from Clerk Expense to send Mayor to NYCOM conference. So passed.

Moving Ordinance: Board members will review current local law and come up with revisions.

Pro-housing Community Designation: Mayor created letter of intent, sent and received. Ray Pucci has sent a link with next steps.

Recreation Commission: has been restructured; receiving some applications for pool director and lifeguard.

Citizens’ Comments: resident concerned about tractor trailers turning onto Center Street from side streets; first step is to contact companies of repeat offenders.

Mayor’s Newsletter: will include blurb about new water tank; newsletter will go out twice a year.

Approval of Bills: Wilson moved and Martin seconded approval to pay bills. So passed.


254-23NYSEGA7110.4$63.11 A2502
255-23NYSEGA1620.4$63.40 A2503
256-23NYSEGA1620.4$77.76 A2504
257-23FrontierFX8320.4$9.50 FX1745
258-23NYSEGFX8320.4$23.78 FX1746
259-23PostmasterFX8310.4$136.00 FX1749
260-23Stephen LawtonA1325.4$130.00
261-23Capital OneA1325.4$15.99
262-23Capital OneA1450.4$17.26
Capital OneA1620.4$22.98
263-23Boulder OilA1620.4$378.97
264-23Walmart (Capital One card)A1620.4$44.24
265-23Delhi Telephone CoA1620.4$79.06
266-23Selective InsuranceA1910.4$1,368.00
267-23Dale DowninA4010.4$200.00
268-23Tractor SupplyA5110.4$129.98
269-23Chemung SupplyA5112.2$146.60
270-23Mirabito Energy ProductsA5142.4$104.51
272-23Franklin Recreation CommissionA7320.4$1,500.00
273-23Franklin RR & Community MuseumA7510.4$500.00
274-23The HartfordA9055.8$41.61
275-23USA Blue BookFX8320.2$120.48
276-23AMREX Chemical CoFX8330.4$500.25
277-23Life Science LabsFX8330.4$54.00
278-23Waste Recovery EnterprisesA8160.4$12.32

Recreation Commission

37-23FrontierJ7545.4$66.06 J1909
38-23Decker AdvertisingJ7345.5$50.40

Mayor VanDeusen adjourned the meeting at 7:55PM

Respectfully submitted,
Paula Niebanck