The Village of Franklin held its regular board meeting on February 10, 2025, at the Village Hall office (141 Water Street) at 7:00PM. Present: Mayor VanDeusen, Trustee Wilson, Trustee Martin, Clerk/Treasurer Niebanck, Deputy Clerk Martin, Superintendent Kingsbury and guests recorded on the sign-in register. The meeting was streamed and recorded on the video platform Zoom.
Minutes: Minutes of the January 2025 board meeting: Wilson moved, and Martin seconded approval of the January 2025 board meeting minutes. So passed.
Treasurer’s Report
Date: January 31, 2025
General Fund | $186,688.28 |
– Reserve/Maint Equip (Checking) | $1,376.87 |
– Sidewalks (Checking) | $16,034.03 |
– Trees (Checking) | $2,471.37 |
Water Fund | $43,587.79 |
Water Project | $6.96 |
Trust & Agency | $0.00 |
Grant Fund | $59.34 |
Recreation Commission | $39,409.59 |
Martin moved and Wilson seconded approval of budget transfer of $817.12 from 1325.2 to 1620.4 in the GF and $2,152.62 from 8340.4 to 8320.4 in the WF. So passed. Martin moved and Wilson seconded approval of Treasurer’s Report of January 31, 2025. So passed.
Correspondence/Clerk’s Report: 1) Rob Hunt has agreed to be an election inspector. 2) DOH email re: security threats. 3) Resident email re: crack in Center Street. 4) US Treasury email re: funding pause. 5) NYCOM emails re: Advocacy Updates and bonding for lead service line replacement. 6) CHIPs letter re: program balances. 7) DTC re: annual open house.
Superintendent’s Report: 1) Water shut off at 76 Water. 2) Truck had to go back to dealer for repairs; under warranty. 3) Complaint about water, resident thinks there is metal in water; he needs to hire a plumber. 4) New water meter installed at residence on Center St. 5) Water leak at 703 Main; Larry Stevens will come out to repair.
Dog Control: Annual report from state submitted; passed. Clerk will put in file.
Old Business
Main Street Crosswalk: will hold off until review Water Street project.
Tabled Items: Short Term Rental Law will be revised; Water meter grant with larger project.
Restore NY Grant: on hold
41 Maple: should Superintendent shovel the sidewalk? Yes. FD recognition will take place later.
Pro Housing recertification: Clerk will fill out and send in.
New Business
Fencing: Martin moved, and Wilson seconded hiring Poli Fencing to install new fence and guard rail at water tank and Hebbard Fence to remove old fence. So passed. Superintendent will put up trail camera at the water tank.
Center Street: cracking is normal, and weather related; will use crack sealer to repair.
Institute Street: Snow pushed up on sidewalk near church; cannot move the snow anywhere else.
PFAS Claim: ongoing litigation; water testing can be reimbursed if we re-sign contract.
Election: Mayor appoints Robert Hunt as election inspector.
Citizen’s Comments: questions about water and PFAS testing.
Around Town: Easter Egg Hunt is April 13.
Approval of Bills: Wilson moved, and Martin seconded approval to pay bills. So passed.
171-24 | Trust & Agency | A9050.8 | $215.89 | A2833 |
172-24 | NYSEG | A1620.4 | $68.52 | A2842 |
173-24 | NYSEG | A7110.4 | $44.13 | A2843 |
174-24 | NYSEG | A1620.4 | $68.32 | A2844 |
175-24 | Trust & Agency | A9030.8 | $104.02 | A2852 |
176-24 | Trust & Agency | FX9050.8 | $26.32 | FX1874 |
177-24 | NYSEG | FX8320.4 | $158.71 | FX1881 |
178-24 | Frontier | FX8320.4 | $9.50 | FX1882 |
179-24 | Trust & Agency | FX9089.8 | $195.00 | FX1886 |
180-24 | Trust & Agency | FX9030.8 | $520.59 | FX1887 |
181-24 | Walmart/Capital One | A1325.4 | $15.24 | |
182-24 | Delhi Telephone Company | A1620.4 | $79.40 | |
183-24 | Capital One | A1620.4 | $19.96 | |
184-24 | Trux Outfitter | A5110.2 | $410.00 | |
185-24 | Waste Recovery Enterprises | A8160.4 | $12.32 | |
186-24 | Waste Recovery Enterprises | A8160.4 | $12.32 | |
187-24 | Boulder Oil | A1620.4 | $646.97 | |
188-24 | Mirabito Energy Products | A5142.4 | $299.66 | |
189-24 | AMREX Chemical | FX8330.4 | $336.50 | |
190-24 | Capital One | FX8330.4 | $52.00 | |
Capital One | A1325.4 | $15.99 | ||
TOTAL | $3,311.36 | |||
PAID PRIOR TO MEETING | $1,411.00 | |||
Total | $1,900.36 |
Recreation Commission
45-24 | NYSEG | J7345.4 | $26.08 | J2024 |
46-24 | Frontier | J7545.4 | $94.73 | J2025 |
Mayor VanDeusen adjourned the meeting at 7:55PM
Respectfully submitted,
Paula Niebanck