Minutes – February 13, 2023

Village of Franklin NY minutes of the February 13, 2023 regular board meeting.

The Village of Franklin held its regular board meeting on February 13, 2023, at the Village Hall office (141 Water Street) at 7:00PM. Present: Mayor Tom Briggs, Trustee Wilson, Trustee VanDeusen, Clerk/Treasurer Niebanck, Deputy Clerk Martin, Superintendent Kingsbury and guests recorded on the sign-in register. The meeting was streamed and recorded on the video platform Zoom.

Minutes: Minutes of the January 10, 2023 meeting: Wilson moved and VanDeusen seconded that minutes of January 10, 2023 be approved. So passed.

Treasurer’s Report

Date: January 31, 2023

General Fund$3,174.35
– Savings$214,287.02
– Reserve/Maint Equip$84,861.60
– Sidewalks$14,080.20
– Trees$2,368.59
Water Fund$6,252.51
– Savings$35,528.90
– Capital Fund/Well Develop$10,968.79
Water Project$6.92
Water Tower Grant$72.01
Trust & Agency$0.00
Grant Fund$19,965.48
ARPA Funds$17,712.57
Recreation Commission$7,429.58
– Savings$36,636.43
– CD$7,861.15
– CD$15,951.61

VanDeusen moved and Wilson seconded transfer in GF of $1600 from 5112.2 to 1620.4 and in WF of $3000 from 8310.4/8320.4 to 8340.4. So passed. Wilson moved and VanDeusen seconded approval of Treasurer’s Report of January 31, 2023. So passed.

Citizens’ Comments: none.

Correspondence: 1) DOH re: monitoring requirements for 2023. 2) FCS re: student volunteers available. 3) DOT re: CHIPS balance. 4) DOPS re: public comment on NYSEG. 5) US Dept. of Commerce re: Boundary and Annexation Survey. 6) LIHWAP re: updated application.

Clerk’s Report: 1) FCS is selling a copier for $100. 2) Zoom is increasing to $15.99/month. 3) Resident owes $680 for permit, not yet received, Code Enforcement notified. 4) Prepared letter to send to water customers requesting contact information.

Superintendent’s Report: 1) Completed DEC water withdrawal form. 2) Water leak at 499 Main; Stevens Excavation fixed. 3) New meter on West St. installed. 4) Leak on West St. inside residence.

Old Business

CDBG Update: RFP posted in Walton Reporter and online; pre-bid meeting on Wednesday at office and at the site and well house; added a bit of a change to plans – upgrade pump in system so that we can use lower/wider tank. So far, response has been good. Other: Village had preliminary study done in 2003 for septic; two recommendations that would cover Main St near business district and one near park. Eric from Del. Engineering will look into whether this could be a CDBG grant.

Election: Wilson moved and VanDeusen seconded a resolution for the 2023 election polling place to be Village Hall, 141 Water St., Franklin from 12PM to 9PM. So passed. VanDeusen moved and Wilson seconded appointing election inspectors Carol Jensen and Anthony Breuer. So passed.

Restore NY Grant: Application has been completed and submitted; copy sent to Trustees.

Short Term Rentals: Trustee VanDeusen submitted report/research on other towns’ policies. Attorney recommends preliminary hearing for public comments, and then set up a Public Hearing after coming up with a policy. Trustee Wilson checked Village of Coxsackie policy as an example. Will schedule a forum for March 23, 7:00pm at Village Hall.

New Business

Village Hall Bathroom: needs repair/restoration; Jason, Ryan and Mayor will work on fixing it up.

Musser Grant: Edible walking trail – will write another grant; Village would sign.

Strategic Planning: Board should create a strategic planning document; community wide. Vision statement, etc.

Tax Cap: Clerk will send copy of last Tax Cap override law to board members.

Around Town:

Citizens’ Comments: none

Approval of Bills: VanDeusen moved and Wilson seconded approval to pay bills. So passed.


201-22Deluxe ChecksA1325.4$294.38 EFT
202-22PostmasterA1325.4$120.00 A2076
203-22Trust & AgencyA9050.8$73.82 A2117
204-22Trust & AgencyA9030.8$46.31 A2124
205-22NYSEGA7110.4$33.36 A2125
206-22NYSEGA1602.4$60.03 A2126
207-22Delhi Telephone CoA1620.4$79.04 A2134
208-22NYSEGA5182.4$701.90 A2135
209-22Trust & AgencyFX9050.8$135.57 FX1471
210-22Trust & AgencyFX9050.8$394.21 FX1481
211-22Trust & AgencyFX9089.8$134.00 FX1482
212-22FrontierFX8320.4$9.50 FX1483
213-22NYSEGFX8320.4$21.27 FX1484
214-22Capital OneA1325.4$14.99
215-22Boulder OilA1620.4$914.24
217-22Capital OneA5110.2$159.95
Capital OneFX8340.2$17.80
218-22Mirabito Energy ProductsA5142.4$117.97
219-22Waste Recovery EnterprisesA8160.4$12.32
220-22AmRex Chemicals CoFX8330.4$526.50
221-22Life Science LabsFX8330.4$42.00
222-22Life Science LabsFX8330.4$42.00
223-22USA Blue BookFX8340.2$69.39
224-22Ti Sales IncFX8340.2$1,012.50
225-22USA Blue BookFX8340.4$66.46
226-22Stevens Excavation LLCFX8340.4$1,540.00
227-22Stevens Excavation LLCFX8340.4$3,480.00
228-22Delaware Engineering DPCH8797.4$5,370.00
229-22Decker AdvertisingH8797.4$389.90
230-22Blauer AssociatesH8797.4$1,800.00

Recreation Commission

52-22NYSEGJ7345.4$73.40 J1821
53-22FrontierJ7545.4$62.74 J1822

Mayor Briggs adjourned the meeting at 7:57PM.

Respectfully submitted,
Paula Niebanck