Minutes – July 11, 2022

Village of Franklin NY minutes of the July 11, 2022 regular board meeting.

The Village of Franklin held its regular board meeting on July 11, 2022, at the Village Hall office (141 Water Street). Present: Mayor Tom Briggs (via Zoom), Trustee Wilson, Trustee VanDeusen, Clerk/Treasurer Niebanck, Deputy Clerk Martin, and guests recorded on the sign-in register: Greg Cromer, Eric M., Mark B. The meeting was streamed and recorded on the video platform Zoom.

Minutes: Survey should be $3000; so corrected. Minutes of the June 13, 2022 meeting: Wilson moved and VanDeusen seconded that minutes of June 13, 2022 minutes be approved. So passed.

Treasurer’s Report

Date: May 31, 2022

General Fund$43,804.90
– Savings$196,213.52
– Reserve/Maint Equip$69,840.78
– Sidewalks$13,649.67
– Trees$2,367.89
Water Fund$6,605.51
– Savings$12,689.27
– Capital Fund/Well Develop$21,965.45
Water Project$6.92
Water Tower Grant$72.01
Trust & Agency$441.52
Grant Fund$7,820.63
Recreation Commission$523.56
– Savings$35,038.81
– CD$7,841.52
– CD$15,880.18

May 31, 2022 budget transfers: GF=$948.41 and WF=$1619.71. Wilson moved and VanDeusen seconded the budget transfers for May 2022. So passed. No budget transfers needed for June 2022. VanDeusen moved and Wilson seconded approval of Treasurer’s Report of June 30, 2022. So passed.

Citizens’ Comments: Greg Cromer – Aerial Photography took photo of Village of Franklin. Selling framed and mounted copies. Digital copy can be used for website. Tabled.

Correspondence: 1) The Laura Jane Musser Fund re: no award. 2) NYS Division of Budget re: remaining 50% of ARPA funds.

Clerk’s Report: 1) Late tax bills sent return receipt not collected; sent by regular mail. 2) Website in process.

Superintendent’s Report: 1) Work truck dropped at Otego Tire & Auto for inspection; new fuse panel installed. 2) new water meter at 173 Main. 3) skid steer tire repaired by White’s Farm Supply. 4) new gates at entrance of Village pole barn/dump. 5) filled parking spot along Maple St. with gravel. 6) fixed broken sidewalk at 139 Center St. 7) purchased new air compressor and new portable air tank. 8) Contacted Larry Stevens about right of way excavation; he will fit us in ASAP.

Old Business

CDBG Update: Mark Blauer – contract with archaeologist; they did not talk with Del. Tribe of Indians, as they knew what they were doing. Email said they did not find anything and he will send report to Del. Tribe of Indians and Village. Should get release of funds as soon as we have the report; will amend budget to add funds.

Unpaid Taxes: Three residents paid back taxes. Some that were sent certified mail were unclaimed. Next step is to contact Attorney Merzig.

Recreation Committee Update: Meeting tomorrow evening; pool operating on one pump; need to drain pool to fix; water would need to be re-chlorinated. Loose ends for arts/crafts. Fundraiser mailing being worked on and getting mailed out. Swimming lessons full.

Old Franklin Day: 40 vendors and NFPs combined; poster finished.

Noise Complaint: Resident should notify board member when there is another issue; waiting for another instance/complaint. Clerk will give resident Trustee VanDeusen’s phone number.

New Business

Village Dump Policy: Need to formulate a policy – padlock with code; hire Ryan or Gary to sign people in on Saturday mornings; posted hours/designated times; should be locked overnight; install a trail camera; try a combination of all these ideas. Mayor will draft a policy and email to Trustees.

Restore NY Grant Webinar: May be of use to the Village; involves funding for dilapidated buildings; upgrades property. Mayor will attend webinar on Wednesday, June 13 at 10:00am.

Around Town: Gene Whitney approached resident about new benches; maybe something the park committee could take over, or get a grant.

Approval of Bills: VanDeusen moved and Wilson seconded approval to pay bills. So passed.


18-22Trust & AgencyA9050.8$37.02A1860
19-22Trust & AgencyA9050.8$286.25A1861
21-22Delhi Telephone Co.A1620.4$79.08A1870
23-22Trust & AgencyA9089.8$167.50A1872
24-22Trust & AgencyA9030.8$584.51A1873
26-22Trust & AgencyFX9050.8$441.52FX1383
29-22NYSEGFX8320.4$2,003.53 FX1386
30-22Wayne BankFX9710.6$8,000.00 FX1387
FX9710.7$3,040.00 FX1387
31-22Capital OneA1325.4$14.99
32-22Capital OneA1325.4$69.32
33-22Tractor SupplyA1620.2$341.97
34-22Mirabito Fuel CardA5110.4$135.76
35-22White's Farm SupplyA5110.4$163.14
36-22Otego Tire & AutoA5110.4$448.71
37-22Constance MartinA7550.4$359.00
38-22Waste Recovery EnterprisesA8160.4$12.32
39-22Amrex Chemical Co.FX8330.4$782.75
40-22Life Science LabsFX8330.4$40.00
41-22Birchwood Archaeological Services, Inc.H8340.4$3,287.00
42-22Blauer Associates, Inc.H8310.4$700.00

Recreation Commission

19-22Capital OneJ7145.2212.78
20-22Capital OneJ7145.438.98
21-22Kelly KingsburyJ7145.499.8
22-22American Bankers Insurance Co. of FLJ1910.41011
23-22Tractor SupplyJ7145.421.96
24-22Walmart/Capital OneJ7145.484.85
25-22Amrex Chemical Co.J7145.41070.75

Trustee Wilson adjourned the meeting at 8:05 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Paula Niebanck