Minutes – July 8, 2024

Village of Franklin NY minutes of the July 8, 2024 regular board meeting.

The Village of Franklin held its regular board meeting on July 8, 2024, at the Village Hall office (141 Water Street) at 7:00PM. Present: Mayor VanDeusen, Trustee Wilson, Trustee Martin, Clerk/Treasurer Niebanck, Deputy Clerk Martin, Superintendent Kingsbury and guests recorded on the sign-in register. The meeting was streamed and recorded on the video platform Zoom.

Minutes: Minutes of the June 2024 board meeting: Wilson moved and Martin seconded approval of the June 2024 board meeting minutes. So passed.

Treasurer’s Report

Date: June 30, 2024

General Fund$206,916.05
– Reserve/Maint Equip (Checking)$1,337.90
– Sidewalks (Checking)$20,621.14
– Trees (Checking)$2,401.45
Water Fund$30,779.47
Water Project$6.96
Water Tower Grant$0.00
Trust & Agency$397.26
Grant Fund$59.34
Recreation Commission$67,204.33

Deduction of $10 from Clerk pay is not necessary as it was a mistake in record keeping (was coded incorrectly in QuickBooks). Budget transfer in GF of $45.27 from 1620.4 to 1620.2. Wilson moved and Martin seconded the budget transfer. So passed. Wilson moved and Martin seconded approval of Treasurer’s Report of June 30, 2024. So passed.

Citizens’ Comments: none.

Correspondence/Clerk’s Report: 1) Pace Environmental sent new lab prices. 2) Selective Insurance sent refund. 3) AFRs finished. 4) We need to auction truck; Clerk will contact Auctions International. 5) Mr. Westcott complaint about grass in street. 6) Clerk’s notes on Town Planning Board meeting (attached).

Superintendent’s Report: 1) Superintendent spoke to DOH about Northstar Farm special use permit: recommends contacting attorney and making up special “no trespassing” signs. Locks on everything all the time. DOH will look over the fence; mostly likely it will need to be more secure. 2) Two roof estimates for pool house; will use Next Level Roofing for grant application. 3) Will need to budget for diesel fuel tank next year, cost is about $6000 right now. 4) May need to sell backhoe for tractor; could go on Auctions International.

Old Business

Bible Church Paving: Received one quote from O’Reilly Construction for $4600; he will come by end of the month.

Short Term Rental Permit: 5 permit renewals; 5 available. Tabled re-wording of local law.

Mowing/Shoveling Ordinance: Mayor will have wording by September meeting.

DOT: crosswalks for Main Street; very specific regulations; there is only one acceptable location at Maple and Main St. Can hire someone to do it (man from Worchester) – across Maple St. and across Main St. There would have to be “No Parking Here to Corner” sign.

Water Meters: grant no longer exists; could couple it with well repair or water main project.

Restore NY Grant: will reapply in the fall; Lindsay will help with it; she has an updated letter signed by Code Enforcement.

DEC Agreement: includes map of fishing access on Village property; 10 year agreement.

New Business

FEMA: sent survey regarding flood plain management; Mayor will look it over; may not fill it out.

Sales Tax Sharing with Delaware County: NYCOM has been working on this; most counties give sales tax revenue back to municipalities; Del. County may be agreeable to sharing sales tax – if they do, 12% – of that 60% would go to villages; Franklin would get $118,800.

Village Dump: if illegal dumping continues we may need to consider trail cameras or reduced hours.

Newsletter: how do we get it to renters? Leave a stack at the post office and post on the board.

Shrubs: two properties have shrubs growing over sidewalks; Clerk will send letter to trim within 14 days, or Village will trim.

Main Street Property: tenant has passed away; should owner be notified? Clerk will check with attorney.

Approval of Bills: Wilson moved and Martin seconded approval to pay bills. So passed.


17-24PostmasterA1325.4$136.00 A2581
18-24NYSEGA5182.4$318.92 A2594
19-24NYSEGA7110.4$24.41 A2595
20-24NYSEGA1620.4$104.80 A2596
21-24PostmasterFX8310.4$544.00 FX1804
22-24NYSEGFX8320.4$1,903.14 FX1805
23-24FrontierFX8320.4$9.50 FX1806
24-24NYSEGFX8320.4$27.50 FX1807
25-24Capital OneA1325.4$15.99
26-24Capital OneA1325.4$311.87
26-24Capital OneA1620.2$398.94
27-24Delhi Telephone CoA1620.4$79.22
28-24Mirabito Energy ProductsA5110.4$125.38
30-24NYS Dept of LaborA9050.8$75.40
31-24The HartfordA9055.8$51.57
32-34John FitzpatrickA1001$1.77
34-24Life Science LabsFX8330.4$54.00
35-24Amrex Chemical CoFX8330.4$287.00
36-24Wayne BankFX9710.6$8,000.00
36-24Wayne BankFX9710.7$2,280.00

Recreation Commission

24-JunNYSEGJ7345.4$25.75 J1920
24-JulFrontierJ7545.4$98.07 J1921
24-AugAlexander NeubertJ7145.4
24-SepAmerican Bankers Ins Co of FLJ1910.4$1,367.00
24-OctJohanna VanDeusenJ7145.2$231.55
24-Nov21st Century PoolsJ7145.2$72.66
24-Nov21st Century PoolsJ7145.4$180.97
24-DecJohanna VanDeusenJ7145.2$23.42
24-DecJohanna VanDeusenJ7145.4$22.78
13-24Capital OneJ7145.4$236.93
14-24Amrex ChemicalJ7145.4$1,801.00
15-24Walmart/Capital OneJ7145.4$238.51
15-24Walmart/Capital OneJ7345.4$140.01
16-24Kendall BeadleJ7245.4$55.10
17-24Kendall BeadleJ7345.4$95.00

Mayor VanDeusen adjourned the meeting at 8:38PM

Respectfully submitted,
Paula Niebanck