Minutes – June 10, 2024

Village of Franklin NY minutes of the June 10, 2024 regular board meeting.

The Village of Franklin held its regular board meeting on June 10, 2024, at the Village Hall office (141 Water Street) at 7:04PM. Present: Mayor VanDeusen, Trustee Wilson, Trustee Martin, Clerk/Treasurer Niebanck, Deputy Clerk Martin, Superintendent Kingsbury and guests recorded on the sign-in register. The meeting was streamed and recorded on the video platform Zoom.

Minutes: Minutes of the May 2024 board meeting: Wilson moved and Martin seconded approval of the May 2024 board meeting minutes. So passed.

Treasurer’s Report

Date: May 31, 2024

General Fund$156,158.06
– Reserve/Maint Equip (Checking)$1,322.57
– Sidewalks (Checking)$20,538.74
– Trees (Checking)$2,391.85
Water Fund$33,848.08
Water Project$6.96
Water Tower Grant$0.00
Trust & Agency$397.26
Grant Fund$59.34
Recreation Commission$64,780.31

Deduct $10 from Clerk pay due to overpayment. Budget transfers in GF: $618.00; in WF: $120.48. See attached detail. Wilson moved and Martin seconded budget transfers. So passed. Wilson moved and Martin seconded approval of Treasurer’s Report of May 31, 2024. So passed.

Citizens’ Comments: none.

Correspondence/Clerk’s Report: 1) Kiff re: boiler contract (don’t need). 2) Email from Lindsay re: RestoreNY grant; not accepting same cost estimates and need new estimates by June 13; those estimates must be submitted by property owners. 3) Sent 16 mowing notices and emailed local law to one resident. 4) Sent 5 short term rental permit renewal letters. 5) New rate per thousand for the tax levy will need to be .482855 in order to keep same levy dollar amount of $100,701. Wilson moved Martin seconded changing the levy percentage to .482855. So passed.

Superintendent’s Report: 1) Mowed well field 2) patched roof at the pool; used tar. A metal roof would be better; will get three quotes for new roof. 3) installed new meter at 397 Main; meter froze and broke. 4) Diesel fuel tank installation would get us fuel at bulk rate. 5) Ryan on call in evenings at some times – should he be paid for that? Wilson moved and Martin seconded to pay him $5/hour while on call. So moved. 6) Town of Franklin will cut trees by pump house. 7) Water is turned on at the park. 8) Cut limbs along sidewalk. 9) Patched end of Water St.

DEC Presentation: Letter asking for permission to allow fishing access on two Village parcels; 3 options for giving consent; Wilson moved and Martin seconded choosing option #2 with 5 year cooperative agreement. So moved.

Old Business

Bible Church Paving: Still trying to find someone who does black top; still need quotes.

Memorial Day Recap: Overwhelming success!

Mowing/Shoveling Ordinance: Will re-word to include incremental fines after 3 days; they mow or hire to have it mowed.

New Business

Water Meter Replacement: Mayor will contact Delaware Engineering to see if they can find grant funding for it; will also discuss finishing work on water main.

Center St. Crosswalk: Resident sent letter with concerns about traffic not stopping at Center and Water Streets. We could put crosswalk and pedestrian crossing signs. There is a truck parked too close to the stop sign blocking its view. Need to move the “No Parking Here to Corner” sign back farther.

NYCOM Recap: Mayor’s handout attached. Would like to strike “citizen’s comments” at the beginning of the meeting.

Institute St. Closure: They would like to close for “bring a tractor to school” day – for morning only. They need to coordinate with Super to get road closed signs.

Request From Museum: Letter requesting that RR Museum not be charged for water. Would also like us to consider not charging Fire Dept. as well.  Martin moved and Wilson seconded to cancel water bill accounts for both the RR Museum and Fire Dept.  So moved.

OFD: request put in to Del Co Sheriff’s dept. for traffic control. Should hear by July.

Approval of Bills: Wilson moved and Martin seconded approval to pay bills. So passed.


314-23Waste Recovery Enterprises LLCA8160.4$12.32 S2557
315-23Trust & AgencyA9030.8$338.90 A2558
316-23Postmaster$136.00 FX1788
317-23Trust & AgencyFX9089.8$167.50 FX1796
318-23Trust & AgencyFX9030.8$506.78 FX1797
24-JanNYSEGA7110.4$23.51 A2559
24-FebNYSEGA1620.4$67.22 A2560
24-MarNYSEGA1620.4$51.35 A2561
24-AprFrontierFX8320.4$9.50 FX1798
24-MayNYSEGFX8320.4$18.00 FX1799
24-JunCapital OneA1325.4$15.99
24-JulCapital OneA1620.2$345.27
24-JulCapital OneA1210.4$558.00
24-JulCapital OneA5110.4$705.71
24-AugDelhi Telephone CoA1620.4$79.08
24-SepBoulder OilA1620.4$256.97
24-OctSelective InsuranceA1910.4$1,680.00
24-NovVon HotchA5110.2$100.00
24-DecMirabito Engergy ProductsA5110.4$192.95
13-24White's Farm SupplyA5110.4$18.34
14-24Ti SalesFX8340.2$109.00
15-24M & T BankFX9720.6$5,325.00
16-24Waste Recovery Enterprises LLCA8160.4$12.32

Recreation Commission

24-JanKendall BeadleJ7245.2$22.23 J1914
24-FebNYSEGJ7345.4$13.52 J1915
24-MarFrontierJ7545.4$89.08 J1916
24-AprCapital OneJ7145.4$39.30
24-MayKendall Beadle$220.00

Mayor VanDeusen adjourned the meeting at 8:35PM

Respectfully submitted,
Paula Niebanck

Budget Transfers for May 2024

Acct CodeDescriptionAmountAcct CodeDescriptionAmount
1450.4Elections, Exp.$17.261420.4Law-$17.26
1620.2Buildings, Equip.$51.461620.4Buildings, Exp.-$51.49
5110.4Street Maint., Exp.$129.985110.2Street Maint., Exp.-$129.98
5182.4Street Lighting$179.065142.4Snow Removal, Exp.-$179.06
9055.8Disability Insurance$18.499040.8Workmen’s Comp-$18.49
9901Transfer, Water Fund$221.751990.4Contingent-$221.75
8320.2Power & Pump, Equip.$120.488320.4Power & Pump, Equip.$120.48