Minutes – June 12, 2023

Village of Franklin NY minutes of the June 12, 2023 regular board meeting.

The Village of Franklin held its regular board meeting on June 12, 2023, at the Village Hall office (141 Water Street) at 7:01PM. Present: Mayor Tom Briggs, Trustee Wilson, Trustee VanDeusen, Clerk/Treasurer Niebanck, Deputy Clerk Martin, Superintendent Kingsbury and guests recorded on the sign-in register. The meeting was streamed and recorded on the video platform Zoom.

Minutes: Minutes of the May 8, 2023 board meeting: VanDeusen moved and Wilson seconded that minutes of May 8, 2023 be approved. So passed.

Treasurer’s Report

Date: May 31, 2023

General Fund$1,298.22
– Savings$193,320.44
– Reserve/Maint Equip$84,875.56
– Sidewalks$16,910.21
– Trees$2,368.98
Water Fund$4,421.52
– Savings$20,532.90
– Capital Fund/Well Develop$10,970.10
Water Project$6.92
Water Tower Grant$72.01
Trust & Agency$0.00
Grant Fund$14,165.48
ARPA Funds (remaining)$11,912.57
Recreation Commission$9,577.73
– Savings$37,760.63
– CD$7,861.15
– CD$15,951.61

VanDeusen moved and Wilson seconded budget transfers in GF of $1303.12 and in WF of $4151.68 (see detail attached). So passed. VanDeusen moved and Wilson seconded approval of Treasurer’s Report of May 31, 2023. So passed.

Citizens’ Comments: none.

Correspondence: 1) NYS Office of Temp. Disability Assistance re: provide comments on LIHWAP. 2) NYS Dept. of State re: local government assistance and community development programs. 3) C. E. Kiff re: heating service cleaning/inspection. 4) Amrex Chemical re: increase to $5.25/gallon.

Clerk’s Report: 1) Mailed noise ordinance to resident on Maple Street. 2) Called and spoke to Robert Green Trucking re: order for new plow truck; he ordered it on May 10 and it should arrive in December; contract signed. 3) Signed the Dr. Sealgood contract for $15,095. 4) Some pictures were added to the website under “Gallery” tab; do we want more, maybe under “About” tab; should local laws be listed? Yes.

Superintendent’s Report: 1) drained the pool; 21st Century fixed valve installed 2) new meter 468 Main 3) another leak in front of Mirabito; may want to consider grant for fixing service lines. 4) need “no parking to corner” sign at end of institute street. 5) Skidsteer hauled to Otego Tire and Auto to get lug nuts off. 6) water on at the park; curb card for fountain. 7) Tweedie Const. working at the pump house.

Old Business

CDBG Update: Tweedie working at pump house and reservoir; getting lines ready to go; chlorination tests on the lines; successful pressure tests taken; working in well house. Disbursement #11 ready to be sent in. Tweedie’s bid was below budget; first potential change order: additional flow meter and other things to improve quality. If there are additional items that could use to spend grant money – legal/admin fees, alerts to Jason’s phone, etc. Forms for change order – would add $33,490 bringing total to $590,133; copies given to Board for signature; Wilson moved to accept change order VD second; passed. Board members signed CO.

Short Term Rentals: all permits taken; letters to owners; approved contingent upon code inspection.

Sewer Study: Mayor Briggs spoke with Mayor of Village of Odessa and contractor; cost savings would be not having to send through sewage plant; leach field of 5 acres or so; Mayor Briggs will meet with Mayor of Odessa next week.

Noise Ordinance: Mayor spoke with resident about noise on Maple Street; noise ordinance was mailed to offender; Sheriff can be called by resident or Mayor.

New Truck: order is in and should be coming before December; can auction old truck.

Bissell Spring: date to visit the area; Monday, June 26 at 2:00PM. Someone may want to put solar panels in that area.

Village Dump: call Delhi Tel re: running a line and camera; will post rules on Facebook; Clerk will research illegal dumping laws and email to Board.

New Business

DEC Water Survey: Information from NYCOM conference: Drinking Water Source Protection Program – free program; teams come and map water source, identify possible contaminants, and develop plans to remove contaminants. DEC and DOH willing to come and speak to the Board; they could Zoom into a meeting. Also got information on a Fire Fighter rebate on income taxes for Village residents.

Neighborhood Mixer: Resident asked if Rotary could have another get-together for community; Village Notice board inside the post office.

Citizens’ Comments: Has the board considered music in the Park during the summer months? Good idea.

Unpaid Taxes: list of unpaid taxes given to Board; copies of unpaid taxes were sent with new tax bills.

Approval of Bills: VanDeusen moved and Wilson seconded approval to pay bills. So passed.


315-22Office DepotA1325.4$189.89 A2211
316-22Trust & AgencyA9030.8$264.35 A2212
317-22Trust & AgencyFX9089.8$134.00 FX1587
318-22Trust & AgencyFX9030.8$401.01 FX1588
23-JanNYSEGA1620.4$53.97 A2220
23-FebNYSEGA1620.4$49.54 A2221
23-MarNYSEGA7110.4$24.50 A2222
23-AprPostmasterA1325.4$126.00 A2224
23-MayDelhi Telephone CompanyA1620.4$78.70 A0005
23-JunNYSEGA5182.4$275.91 A2226
23-JulFrontierFX8320.4$9.50 FX1591
23-AugNYSEGFX8320.4$21.37 FX1592
23-SepCapital OneA1325.4$15.99
23-OctOtego Tire & AutoA5110.4$748.00
23-DecWaste Recovery EnterprisesA8160.4$12.32
13-23Stephen P LawtonFX8310.2$1,698.00
14-23Life Science LabsFX8330.4$43.20
15-23AMREX ChemicalFX8330.4$710.00
16-23Ti SalesFX8340.2$335.33
17-23M & T BankFX9720.6$5,245.00
17-24Blauer AssociatesH8797.4$3,400.00
17-25Delaware EngineeringH8794.4$2,790.00
17-26Capital OneA5110.4$83.94

Recreation Commission

23-JanFrontierJ7545.4$76.25 J1828
23-Feb21st Century PoolsJ7145.4$551.00

Mayor Briggs adjourned the meeting at 8:36PM.

Respectfully submitted,
Paula Niebanck

Budget Transfers for End of Fiscal Year 2022-2023

Acct. CodeDescriptionAmount Acct. CodeDescriptionAmount
1325.4$151.66 1410.4-151.66
1620.4$439.70 1325.11-439.70
5010.111$182.36 1325.11-182.36
5182.4$275.91 5142.4-275.91
9050.8$253.49 9040.8-253.49
$1,303.12 -1303.12
8320.4Power & Pump, Exp.$1,271.36 9030.8Other Employee Benefits-104.00
8330.4Purification, Exp.$644.20 9089.8Fund Balance-4047.68
8310.1Administration, Pers.$2,102.24
9030.8Social Security$133.88
$4,151.68 -4151.68
$5,454.80 -5454.80