Minutes – June 13, 2022

Village of Franklin NY minutes of the June 13, 2022 regular board meeting.

The Village of Franklin held its regular board meeting on June 13, 2022, at the Village Hall office (141 Water Street).  Present: Mayor Briggs, Trustee Wilson, Trustee VanDeusen, Superintendent Kingsbury, Deputy Clerk Martin, and guests:  Eric Michelitsch  (Delaware Engineering) and Bobby Sharp. The meeting was unable to be streamed and recorded on the video platform Zoom.  Could not get the Zoom working.

Regular Meeting: Mayor Briggs called the meeting to order at 7:00PM

Minutes: Minutes of the May 13, 2022 board meeting: VanDeusen moved and Wilson seconded that minutes of May 13, 2022 meeting be approved. So passed.

Treasurer’s Report

Date: May 31, 2022

General Fund$3,118.66
– Savings$196,205.46
– Reserve/Maint Equip$69,837.91
– Sidewalks$13,649.11
– Trees$2,367.79
Water Fund$5,186.94
– Savings$12,688.75
– Capital Fund/Well Develop$21,964.55
Water Project$6.92
Water Tower Grant$72.01
Trust & Agency$441.52
Grant Fund$7,820.63
Recreation Commission$3,113.86
– Savings$35,037.37
– CD$7,841.52
– CD$15,880.18

Trustee VanDeusen moved that approval of the Treasurer’s Report be postponed until the Clerk/Treasurer’s return. Trustee Wilson seconded the motion. So passed.

Citizens’ Comments: Bobby Sharp addressed that he would succeed Brian Brock as President of the Franklin Chamber of Commerce later this year. He discussed his ideals rebuilding the Chamber to function properly as it should and possibly bring in businesses from outside the Franklin area. Mr. Sharp asked about the septic tanks in the Main Street business district. Mayor Briggs informed Mr. Sharp that he should speak to Meg L.

Correspondence: None discussed

Clerk’s Report: None discussed

Superintendent’s Report: 1) Superintendent Kingsbury will be on vacation 9-17 July. Mike Primmer will be filling in for him. 2) Spoke about Ryan VanDeusen taking a Home Study course for $250 to qualify as a Water Technician. Mayor Briggs moved that the Village fund the $250. Trustee Wilson seconded. Trustee VanDeusen abstained. Motion carried. 3) Mayor stated a 10 year street and sidewalk maintenance plan should be developed to be able to forecast funds needed. 4) Pool is ready to go. 5) May need assistance in a lead & copper survey of water pipes in the Otego Road area.

Old Business

CDBG Update: Eric M (Delaware Engineering) spoke about archeological contract is ready to go forward. Need Village’s approval to move forward with the study. Trustee Wilson made the motion to move forward with the study and allocate $32K from the Grant monies. Trustee VanDeusen seconded. The motion carried.

Unpaid Taxes: Certified Letters were mailed out and some receipts are coming into the Village office.

Tree Planting: Students helped plant an additional 260 trees.

Old Franklin Day/Farmers Market: Trustee VanDeusen updated the number of vendors and sponsors. Bobby Sharp mentioned that he would be participating in Old Franklin Day. Complimented Connie Martin and Hanna VanDeusen on their work organizing this event.

New Business

Gate for Village Dump: Superintendent Kingsbury has one pole up. Looking at doing more later this summer.

Noise Complaint: Villagers complaining of loud noise (music) coming from a home near the Funeral home. Trustee VanDeusen knows the owner and will speak to him about lowering the level of noise.

Use of kill traps in the village: Villagers Complaints of cats being poisoned or other domestic pets being killed. The Board discussed the issue but no motion was made at this time.

Around Town: The American Legion has three active members. This Post may be closing its membership. Mayor Briggs mentioned the Village may want to buy the Legion’s building for handicap access. Later discussion may take place once the Post closes its doors.

Approval of Bills: Wilson moved and VanDeusen seconded approval to pay bills. So passed.


272-21Trust & AgencyA9030.8$234.76A1825
274-21Trust & AgencyFX9089.8$134.00FX1376
275-21Trust & AgencyFX9030.8$367.92FX1375
6-22Capital OneA1325.4$74.03
7-22Office DepotA1325.4$88.00
8-22Tractor SupplyA1620.2$512.97
9-22Delhi Telephone CO.A1620.4$78.20
11-22Mirabito Fuel GroupA5110.4$152.41
13-22Waste Recovery EnterprisesA8160.4$12.32
14-22Kinsley Group, Inc.FX8320.4$610.00
15-22Life Science LabsFX8330.4$40.00
16-22Amrex Chemical Co.FX8330.4$280.25
17-22M&T BankH9720.6$5,166.00

Recreation Commission

11-22Capital OneJ7145.4$96.14
12-22USA Blue BookJ7145.4$45.69
13-22Julie ArchibaldJ7145.4$87.35
14-22AMREX ChemicalsJ7145.4$1,382.00
15-2221st Century PoolsJ7145.4$585.90
16-22Capital OneJ7145.4$59.94

Mayor Briggs adjourned the meeting at 8:08 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

James Martin
Deputy Clerk/Treasurer