Minutes – May 13, 2024

Village of Franklin NY minutes of the May 13, 2024 regular board meeting.

The Village of Franklin held two Public Hearings and its regular board meeting on May 13, 2024, at the Village Hall office (141 Water Street) at 7:00PM. Present: Mayor VanDeusen, Trustee Wilson, Trustee Martin, Clerk/Treasurer Niebanck, Deputy Clerk Martin, Superintendent Kingsbury and guests recorded on the sign-in register. The meeting was streamed and recorded on the video platform Zoom.

Public Hearings

Restore NY Grant Application: Mayor read attached resolution to apply for grant for block of buildings on Main Street; Round 8 funding application, due May 22, 2024.

Budget 2024-2025: comment: need to increase Recreation Commission WSI/Lifeguard line item by $1000 (to $15,000) in order to hire a WSI.

Regular Meeting called to order 7:10PM:   
Minutes: Minutes of the April 2024 board meeting and budget workshop: Wilson moved and Martin seconded approval of the April 2024 board and budget workshop minutes. So passed.

Treasurer’s Report

Date: April 30, 2024

General Fund$162,759.00
– Reserve/Maint Equip (Checking)$1,316.69
– Sidewalks (Checking)$20,447.89
– Trees (Checking)$2,381.27
Water Fund$41,890.68
Water Project$6.96
Water Tower Grant$72.01
Trust & Agency$0.00
Grant Fund$1,859.34
ARPA Funds (remaining)$0.00
Recreation Commission$58,258.61

Budget transfers in GF: $618.00; in WF: $120.48. See attached detail. Wilson moved and Martin seconded budget transfers. So passed. Wilson moved and Martin seconded approval of Treasurer’s Report of April 30, 2024. So passed.

Citizens’ Comments: none.

Correspondence/Clerk’s Report: 1) SENYWWC re: college scholarship. 2) CHIPS re: program balances. 3) DOH re: lead and copper rule. 4) Preparing draft ADWQR. 5) Pace Environmental provided a quote for lab testing. 6) ARPA report was submitted a few days late due to incorrect email address on file. 7) Napoli Shkolnik re: Dupont settlement (Village is not participating).

Superintendent’s Report: 1) water leak repaired at Costello property. 2) Asbury Gardens working on water issue at 54 Hill St. 3) Installed new No Parking signs in front of school. 4) Pool drained and cleaned; will start to fill June 1. 5) Two dead trees next to pump house; school should be notified. 6) White Truck – put on Auctions International; need minimum bid amount.

Trees: Trustee Wilson spoke with DOT about dead trees on Main Street.

Old Business

Bible Church Paving: Upstate paving said they would stop and give estimate; Webster is not interested. Fuller Paving won’t return phone calls. Mayor will check for another company.

Memorial Day Planning: in full swing; 4-5 floats planned; Monday at 11:00am; close Center St. at Maple.

Red truck auction: Winning bid was $400 from Greg Donnell. He has paid and receipts mailed to him.

Mowing/Shoveling Ordinance: Mayor suggests two separate laws for mowing and shoveling; Clerk will get examples from other Villages; Mayor will share ideas with board.

New Business

RestoreNY Grant: Wilson moved and Martin seconded resolution (detail) for round 8 grant. So passed.

Budget for 2024-2025: Martin moved Wilson seconded adopting the Recreation Commission budget (with change of $1000), the General Fund, Water Fund, Water Project budgets for 2024-2025. So passed.

Water Meter Replacement: Superintendent received information from EJ Prescott re: new water meters. New systems detect low trickle of water being used and also detects leaks immediately. One of them feeds off of cell signal (could put on Water Tank) and is sent to tablet. Grant would cover 75% of cost. Quote is $200,000; $50,000 for installation. Clerk will send Mark Blauer the information to see if he’d like to write a grant.

Village Park: Park is owned by the Village, but care and maintenance has fallen to other people; Mayor proposes that Village Superintendent maintains everything (fountain and grounds) but not flower beds and walking trail; need to reinstall garbage can. Walking trail needs an arbor – can use budgeted funds to purchase. Privacy concern: property owner has offered to help pay for privacy trees; trees purchased by Village should be planted on Village property. Wilson moved and Martin seconded having property owner help pay for privacy trees to be installed in Park. So moved.

Short Term Rental Renewal: Some renewals are coming up in May, June and August. Board will consider rewording the local law for permits.

Citizens’ Comments: Resident concerned about condition of end of Water Street and ATVs driving on it. Mayor will talk to ATV community and let them know that if conditions do not improve, it will be closed off. Board does not want, at this point, to sell that piece of property.

Approval of Bills: Wilson moved and Martin seconded to pay bathroom contractor in full. So passed. Wilson moved and Martin seconded approval to pay bills. So passed.


279-23Trust & AgencyA9030.8$90.22
280-23Trust & AgencyA9050.8$68.70
281-23RJV CarpentryA1620.2$1,112.46
282-23Robert Green Truck DivA5110.2$113,982.02
287-23Trust & AgencyA9030.8$76.66
288-23Trust & AgencyFX9030.8$407.77
289-23Trust & AgencyFX9089.8$134.00
290-23Trust & AgencyFX9050.8$346.47
295-23Trust & AgencyFX9030.8$405.70
296-23Trust & AgencyFX9089.8$134.00
297-23Tractor Supply$27.20
298-23Capital OneA1210.4$610.00
298-23Capital OneA1620.2$9.97
299-23Selective InsuranceA1325.4$20.00
300-23Decker AdvertisingA1325.4$37.89
301-23Decker AdvertisingA1325.4$20.56
302-23Office DepotA1325.4$89.98
303-23Delhi Telephone CompanyA1620.4$79.04
304-23Chemung SupplyA5112.2$129.56
307-23Franklin Free LibraryA7410.4$1,500.00
308-23Stephen P LawtonFX8310.4$575.00
309-23Kinsley Group IncFX8320.4$610.00
310-23Life Science LabsFX8330.4$54.00
311-23Life Science LabsFX8330.4$54.00
312-23AMREX ChemicalsFX8330.4$653.75

Recreation Commission

39-23FrontierJ7545.4$66.67 J1911
40-23NYSEGJ7345.4$10.35 J1912
41-23Capital OneJ7145.4$40.35
42-23Decker AdvertisingJ7345.4$51.60

Mayor VanDeusen adjourned the meeting at 8:28PM

Respectfully submitted,
Paula Niebanck