The Village of Franklin held two Public Hearings and its regular board meeting on November 11, 2024, at the Village Hall office (141 Water Street) at 7:00PM. Present: Mayor VanDeusen, Trustee Wilson, Trustee Martin, Clerk/Treasurer Niebanck, Deputy Clerk Martin, Superintendent Kingsbury and guests recorded on the sign-in register. The meeting was streamed and recorded on the video platform Zoom.
Public Hearing – CTO at 7:00
Restore NY Grant: A public hearing was held to discuss a resolution to apply for the Restore NY grant. Round 9 – resolution for application was read aloud. Village would be recipient of grant funds and would disburse the funds to property owners (1/3 for each of 3 buildings). The scope of the project is all three buildings, and all three buildings would need to receive a certificate of occupancy.
Funds Transfer: A public hearing was held to discuss a resolution to transfer funds from the General Fund account to the Water Fund account. The amount proposed is $50,000. The Village will also reach out to elected officials and others to inquire about grants for small projects.
Board Meeting – CTO at 7:19
Minutes: Minutes of the October 2024 board meeting: Wilson moved, and Martin seconded approval of the October 2024 board meeting minutes. So passed.
Treasurer’s Report
Date: October 31, 2024
General Fund | $217,790.28 |
– Reserve/Maint Equip (Checking) | $1,361.38 |
– Sidewalks (Checking) | $15,888.59 |
– Trees (Checking) | $2,443.58 |
Water Fund | $50,266.99 |
Water Project | $6.96 |
Trust & Agency | $0.00 |
Grant Fund | $59.34 |
Recreation Commission | $39,830.44 |
Wilson moved and Martin seconded approval of Treasurer’s Report of October 31, 2024. So passed.
Correspondence/Clerk’s Report: 1) HCR re: Village eligible for various discretionary funding programs. 2) DOT re: cutting down two trees at 547 Main St. 3) Election: scheduled for March 18, one Trustee; Wilson will not be running. 4) Mailed lead service line notices (unknown), certified with DOH.
Superintendent’s Report: 1) water tank signs have come in 2) met with D. Hebbard at church re: leak; church will hire excavation contractor 3) Stevens Excavation will come to dig up curb stop at the park 4) cameras are up at the dump
Old Business
Restore NY Grant: Wilson moved, and Martin seconded a resolution authorizing submission of an application to NY State Empire Development for Restore NY Round IX funding. So passed.
Main Street Crosswalk: Mayor will review process with Superintendent.
Tabled Items: Short Term Rental Law; Water meter grant with larger project.
Water Street Regrading: no updates.
Policies and Emergency Action Plan: sample polices for review; Wilson will edit Workplace Violence Prevention Policy to adapt to Village of Franklin. Mayor will be contacting fire dept/Tom Worden; contacted Delaware County for a copy of their Emergency Action plan.
Bus Lane at School: project is complete; no charge to the Village.
New Business
Fence Removal: quote received from Hebbard Fence for $1800 to remove current fencing around Water Tower. Filed.
Funds Transfer: Wilson moved, and Martin seconded transferring $50,000 from the General Fund account to the Water Fund account. So passed.
Mayors’ Coalition: 2nd Wednesday of the month in Delhi; working toward sharing of sales tax (not looking promising). Is anyone able to attend these meetings – at 10:00am.
Water Shut Off: need to address past due water for resident who was given a grace period; letter will be sent to notify that non-payment will result in shut off.
NYCOM Resolution Request: resolution re: increased state funding passed around for board to review; will discuss/pass resolution at next meeting. Tabled.
Cornell Coop: invited to celebration at Blue Stone in Delhi.
Around Town: Halloween recap; December 14 Holiday in Franklin.
Approval of Bills: Wilson moved, and Martin seconded approval to pay bills. So passed.
104-24 | Deluxe Checks | A1325.4 | $242.92 | EFT |
105-24 | NYSEG | A1620.4 | $59.23 | A2739 |
106-24 | NYSEG | A1620.4 | $29.27 | A2740 |
107-24 | NYSEG | A7110.4 | $47.68 | A2741 |
108-24 | Trust & Agency | A9089.8 | $195.00 | A2744 |
109-24 | Trust & Agency | A9030.8 | $651.81 | A2745 |
110-24 | NYSEG | A5182.4 | $318.90 | A2746 |
111-24 | Delhi Telephone Company | A1620.4 | $79.36 | A2747 |
112-24 | Postmaster | A1325.4 | $146.00 | A2748 |
113-24 | Frontier | FX8320.4 | $9.50 | FX1831 |
114-24 | NYSEG | FX8320.4 | $2,025.51 | FX1832 |
115-24 | One Group NY Inc | A1910.4 | $147.00 | |
116-24 | Decker Advertising | A1325.4 | $32.40 | |
117-24 | Decker Advertising | A1325.4 | $39.51 | |
118-24 | Capital One | A1325.4 | $15.99 | |
119-24 | Stephen P Lawton | A1325.4 | $249.75 | |
Stephen P Lawton | FX8310.4 | $199.75 | ||
120-24 | Capital One | FX8330.4 | $1,175.00 | |
Capital One | A1325.4 | $15.99 | ||
Capital One | A1620.4 | $168.36 | ||
Capital One | A1620.4 | $17.98 | ||
Capital One | FX8330.4 | $52.00 | ||
121-24 | Walmart Credit Card | A1620.4 | $61.49 | |
122-24 | Boulder Oil Co | A1620.4 | $104.15 | |
123-24 | Taggert Electric | A1620.4 | $2,605.05 | |
124-24 | Tractor Supply | A5110.4 | $12.98 | |
Tractor Supply | A1620.4 | $8.99 | ||
125-24 | Waste Recovery Ent | A8106.4 | $12.32 | |
126-24 | Tractor Supply | A5110.4 | $21.97 | |
127-24 | American Legion | FX2140 | $100.00 | FX1830 |
TOTAL | $8,845.86 | |||
PAID PRIOR TO MEETING | $3,905.18 | |||
Total | $4,940.68 |
Recreation Commission
37-24 | NYSEG | J7345.4 | $0.00 | 0 |
37-28 | Frontier | J7345.4 | $91.27 | J2016 |
Mayor VanDeusen adjourned the meeting at 8:24PM
Respectfully submitted,
Paula Niebanck