Minutes – October 14, 2024

Village of Franklin NY minutes of the October 14, 2024 regular board meeting.

The Village of Franklin held a Public Hearing and its regular board meeting on October 14, 2024, at the Village Hall office (141 Water Street) at 7:00PM. Present: Mayor VanDeusen, Trustee Wilson, Trustee Martin, Clerk/Treasurer Niebanck, Deputy Clerk Martin, Superintendent Kingsbury and guests recorded on the sign-in register. The meeting was streamed and recorded on the video platform Zoom.

Public Hearing – CTO at 7:01
A public hearing was held to discuss repealing Local Law No. 1 of 1997 and Local Law No. 2 of 2015 – “A Local Law to Regulate the Growth of Grass, Shrubs, and Weeds; Also to Regulate the Removal of Snow and Ice from the Sidewalks of the Village of Franklin and to Control the Depositing of Snow or Ice Upon the Streets within the Village of Franklin.” The public hearing was also held to discuss passing Local Law Nos. 1 and 2 of 2024 – new local laws to govern High Grass, Weed, Brush, and Shrub Control and Village of Franklin Snow Removal. Mayor read each proposed law and opened it for discussion.

Board Meeting – CTO at 7:11
Minutes: Minutes of the September 2024 board meeting: Wilson moved, and Martin seconded approval of the September 2024 board meeting minutes. So passed.

Treasurer’s Report

Date: September 30, 2024

General Fund$215,879.21
– Reserve/Maint Equip (Checking)$1,355.85
– Sidewalks (Checking)$16,284.79
– Trees (Checking)$2,433.66
Water Fund$37,701.22
Water Project$6.96
Trust & Agency$404.63
Grant Fund$188.90
Recreation Commission$27,723.70

Martin moved and Wilson seconded approval of Treasurer’s Report of September 30, 2024. So passed.

Correspondence/Clerk’s Report: 1) Emailed CHIPS re: number of feet on Water Street. 2) Legion has no water usage; should we eliminate their bill? Wilson moved and Martin seconded removing the American Legion’s water bill from system. So passed. 3) Roxbury Arts Group has grant funding available, Community and Creative Learning categories. 4) We may need new office overhead lights. 5) Complaint re: Crossing Guard; Mayor spoke with him. 6) The old white truck was removed from insurance on 9/17. 7) Continue to not shut water off on resident who was having medical concerns? Will discuss in executive session. 8) AIM funding received $6464. 9) electrical inspection done at Pole Barn; received certificate. 10) DOT re: guidelines on preventative maintenance treatments. 11) DOT re: CHIPS balances.

Superintendent’s Report: 1) Taggart Electric replaced panel at Pole Barn; certificate received. 2) Signs posted around water tank; Prolifiq $625 for No Trespassing, etc. signs; Taggart Electric quote for lock box is $900. 3) DOH inspection went fine. 4) completed lead service inventory and turned in. 5) poured sidewalk on Main Street; waiting for top soil. 6) Put up crosswalk signs up at Center St. 7) Stevens Excavating will come to dig up curb stop at the Park. 8) Tenant on Hill St. complained about water; sounds like internal plumbing issue; checked by Superintendent and DOH.

Old Business

Main Street Crosswalk: Mayor and Superintendent will look over packet from DOT to add crosswalk to Main St – at Maple St.

Water Tower Security: Fence will be largest expense; we may be able to get some state funding; could transfer approximately $50K in funds from General Fund to Water Fund by resolution. Schedule public hearing for November 11. Clerk will look for sample resolution.

Tabled Items: Short Term Rentals, Water Meter Grant

Water Street Repairs: drainage grate isn’t catching water; needs to be re-graded; Delaware Engineering and Cobleskill Stone will give pricing estimates.

Policies and Emergency Action Plan: Mayor will set up meeting with Fire Dept/Tom Worden; will call Delaware County to get copy of their plan. We also need Workplace Violence Prevention policy and Cyber Security policy. Mayor will email sample copies to Trustees.

Restore NY Grant: we will apply for Round 9; application deadline is in December; there is a contractor that can do an inflation estimate; will schedule Public Hearing for November 11.

New Business

Pass Local Laws: Martin moved, and Wilson seconded repealing Local Law No. 1 of 1997 and Local Law No. 2 of 2015. So passed. Wilson moved and Martin seconded passing Local Law No. 1 of 2024: High Grass, Weed, Brush, and Shrub Control and Local Law No. 2 of 2024: Village of Franklin Snow removal. So passed.

Memorial Bench: The Hebbard family would like to place two memorial benches – one near Fire Dept. if there is room – Superintendent will check to place another concrete pad; the other one could be placed in the Park. Taylor family would like to place one in the Park as well.

Bus Lane/Institute Street: FCS wants to add bus lane for loading and unloading; cost would be $450 and may be paid with school budget. Wilson moved and Martin seconded allowing them to paint a bus lane and Village will pay cost if the school cannot budget the $450 with understanding that school maintains it. So passed.

Halloween: The Mayor proclaims that trick or treating in the Village will be October 31.

Citizens’ Comments: none

Christmas Stroll: will take place December 14; house tour and craft market will take place; visit from Santa.

Executive Session: Wilson moved, and Martin seconded going into Executive Session at 8:27. Wilson moved, and Martin seconded coming out of Executive Session at 8:35.

Approval of Bills: Wilson moved and Martin seconded approval to pay bills. So passed.


81-24Waste Recovery EnterprisesA8160.4$12.32 A2678
82-24Mirabito Energy ProductsA5110.4$107.21 A2679
83-24PostmasterA1325.4$146.00 A2692
84-24NYSEGA1620.4$119.00 A2693
85-24NYSEGA1620.4$23.67 A2694
86-24NYSEGA7110.4$35.13 A2695
87-24Trust & AgencyA9030.8$476.65 A2696
88-24Trust & AgencyA9089.8$156.00 A2697
89-24Trust & AgencyA9050.8$140.28 A2707
90-24FrontierFX8320.4$9.50 FX1828
91-24Decker AdvertisingA1325.4$33.58
92-24White's Farm SupplyA5110.4$16.20
93-24Mirabito Energy ProductsA5110.4$112.78
94-24Chemung SupplyA5112.2$48.14
95-24Tractor SupplyA1620.4$71.31
Tractor SupplyA5410.2$461.97
96-24Howe's Building SuppliesA5410.4$21.97
97-24Waste Recovery EnterprisesA8160.4$12.32
98-24The HartfordA9055.8$106.74
99-24Capital OneA5410.4$336.50
Capital OneFX8330.4$52.00
100-24AMREX ChemicalsFX8330.4$581.25
102-24Delhi Telephone CompanyA1620.4$79.36
103-24Chemung SupplyA5112.2$88.32

Recreation Commission

32-24NYSEGJ7345.4$52.53 J2010
33-24NYSEGJ7345.4$26.90 J2011
34-24FrontierJ7545.4$98.61 J2012
35-24Trust & AgencyJ9050.8$392.36 J2013
36-24Capital OneJ7145.4$109.95

Mayor VanDeusen adjourned the meeting at 8:42PM

Respectfully submitted,
Paula Niebanck