Minutes – September 9, 2024

Village of Franklin NY minutes of the September, 2024 regular board meeting.

The Village of Franklin held its regular board meeting on September 9, 2024, at the Village Hall office (141 Water Street) at 7:00PM. Present: Mayor VanDeusen, Trustee Wilson, Trustee Martin (via Zoom), Clerk/Treasurer Niebanck, Deputy Clerk Martin, Superintendent Kingsbury and guests recorded on the sign-in register. The meeting was streamed and recorded on the video platform Zoom.

Minutes: Minutes of the August 2024 board meeting: Wilson moved, and Martin seconded approval of the August 2024 board meeting minutes. So passed.

Treasurer’s Report

Date: August 31, 2024

General Fund$217,569.04
– Reserve/Maint Equip (Checking)$1,349.94
– Sidewalks (Checking)$20,806.72
– Trees (Checking)$2,423.06
Water Fund$37,527.52
Water Project$6.96
Trust & Agency$274.98
Grant Fund$511.34
Recreation Commission$38,847.43

Wilson moved and Martin seconded approval of Treasurer’s Report of August 31, 2024. So passed.

Correspondence/Clerk’s Report: 1) Auction bid for truck is $6200. Wilson moved, and Martin seconded making a counteroffer of $8000; if they reject, we will then accept the bid of $6200. So passed. 2) Steve Lawton purchased a new laptop for Clerk; should we have a plan in place if Steve can no longer provide water software services/IT support? 3) received quotes for fuel oil from CE Kiff and Boulder; board would like to stay with Boulder (lower quote). 4) NYCOM email: Advocacy Updates. 5) OSC re: state aid amount of $452. 6) Roxbury Arts Group called re: grants; Clerk will call her back.

Superintendent’s Report: 1) new meter installed at 53 Main Street 2) water leak at 625 Main and 832 Main Street. 3) received estimate from Oneonta Fence for water tank; $45,300 for fencing/gate. 4) crosswalks painted on Center/Water Street; signs will go up soon. 5) no electricity at Pole Barn; electric panel will be installed on the 12th. 6) cameras purchased for pole barn/dump. 7) The pool is empty and winterized. 8) The church sidewalk is complete. 9) lead and copper survey almost complete; will be mailed with AWQR.

Old Business

Crosswalks: Main Street – Mayor and Superintendent will review DOT folder of information.

Water Meters: Grant would need to be combined with bigger projects.

Mowing/Shoveling Ordinance: Current local law would need to be repealed, and new laws passed; need to add a line that Village is not responsible for damage due to mowing, and businesses should shovel by 9:00am. The draft needs to be reviewed by the Village attorney and hold a Public Hearing –for October 14.

Northstar Farm/Water Tank: will need new fence/gate, new signs, lockbox on mixers, and guardrail. No update regarding Town Planning Board meeting. It is the Village’s responsibility to secure the water tank, but not its financial responsibility. Will purchase signs for now and mixer box. Will have attorney contact property owner and Planning Board regarding other required expenses.

Short Term Rental Law: tabled

New Business

Public Comment Time Limit: Mayor suggests limiting speakers to 5 minutes. Wilson moved, and Martin seconded limiting citizen comment time to 5 minutes per speaker. So moved.

Water Street Re-grading: Mayor met with Delaware Engineering; need to find out from CHIPS how many feet on Water Street that we have. Need to know this before work could begin to re-grade the street.

Policies Needed and Emergency Action Plan: We need two required policies – Work Place Violence Prevention and Cyber Security Breach Notification; Tom Worden will meet with Mayor to come up with a Village emergency action plan.

Citizens’ Comments: 1) Water Street/Center Street – a car went through stop sign; tree branch may have been covering the stop sign. 2) Group felt they were being censored at Old Franklin Day; the event was wonderful; talked with people at other tables – we can all learn something from each other.

Approval of Bills: Wilson moved and Martin seconded approval to pay bills. So passed.


65-24NYSEGA1620.4$163.37 A2658
66-24Trust & AgencyA9089.8$195.00 A2659
67-24Trust & AgencyA9030.8$584.20 A2660
68-24NYSEGA7110.4$41.55 A2661
69-24Delhi Telephone CoA1620.4$79.37 A2662
70-24FrontierFX8320.4$9.50 FX1825
71-24NYSEGFX8320.4$2,068.71 FX1826
72-24Office DepotA1325.4$103.26
Office DepotA1325.2$69.98
73-24Capital OneA5110.4$130.67
Capital OneFX8330.4$52.00
Capital OneA1325.4$15.99
Capital OneA1325.2$586.98
74-24Stephen LawtonA1325.2$923.89
Stephen LawtonA1325.4$375.00
75-24Tractor SupplyA1620.4$22.99
Tractor SupplyJ7145.4$30.00
76-24Chemung SupplyA5110.2$72.00
77-24Capital OneA1325.4$15.99
Capital OneA5110.4$198.04
Capital OneA5110.2$324.15
78-24Tractor SupplyA5112.2$69.18
79-24O'Reilly ConstructionA5410.4$4,600.00
80-24Onontio LandscapingA7110.4$975.00

Recreation Commission

27-24Trust & AgencyJ9030.8$847.86 2006
28-24FrontierJ7545.4$103.24 2007
29-24Capital OneJ7145.2$309.96
30-2421st Century PoolsJ7145.2$16,526.19
31-24Kendall BeadleJ7145.4$264.00

Mayor VanDeusen adjourned the meeting at 8:10PM

Respectfully submitted,
Paula Niebanck