Mowing and Weed Regulations

The Village of Franklin will take action necessary to remove hazards from the property (mowing/weed whacking).

In accordance with Village Law #2 2015 “A Local Law to regulate the growth of grass, shrubs, and weeds; also to regulate the removal of snow and ice from the sidewalks of the Village of Franklin”, particularly with reference to grass and weed height:
Section 1, Paragraph 3:  Notice: When it is determined by the Superintendent of Public Works of the Village of Franklin that a property has been left unmaintained to a point which is not acceptable, a written notice shall be given the property owner. The property owner shall be given fifteen (15) days to bring the property up to an acceptable standard.  After fifteen (15) days, if the situation still exists, the Superintendent of Public Works shall take whatever action necessary to remedy the problem.
Section 1, Paragraph 4:  Removal by Village, Charges: The Village of Franklin will take action necessary to remove hazards from the property (mowing/weed whacking). The Village Clerk will be notified of the expense incurred by the amount of labor, equipment and materials used.  The charge shall not be less than the hourly rate of two (2) Village employees plus an additional surcharge of an amount which shall be established from time to time by Resolution of the Village Board (currently Fifty Dollars [$50.00]).