Get ready for Old Franklin Day, Saturday, August 26th in the Village of Franklin NY.
Minutes of the Budget Workshop on April 18, 2023.
Village of Franklin NY minutes of the April 10, 2023 regular board meeting.
The Village of Franklin will take action necessary to remove hazards from the property (mowing/weed whacking).
If you own a dog you need a current dog license. Renewing, or getting a new dog license, is easy.
Village of Franklin NY minutes of the March 23, 2023 Public Forum.
Village of Franklin NY minutes of the March 13, 2023 regular board meeting.
The purpose of this report is to raise your understanding of drinking water and awareness of the need to protect our drinking water sources.
Village of Franklin NY minutes of the February 13, 2023 regular board meeting.
Village of Franklin NY minutes of the January 9, 2023 regular board meeting.
Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received until 2:00 P.M., March 3rd, 2023, at the Village Clerk’s Office, 141 Water St. Franklin, New York 13775, at which time bids will be publicly opened and read aloud for Village of Franklin Water Tank Project.
Village of Franklin NY minutes of the December 12, 2022 regular board meeting.